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Pepperdine University Officials Pay Courtesy Call on CJ
The Pepperdine Team led by Mr Danny DeWalt with the Hon. Justice Katureebe (CJ) and Hon. Justice Tumwesigye(2nd R) at the Supreme Court

Kampala. Officials from Pepperdine University paid a courtesy call on the Chief Justice in his chambers at the Supreme Court.

The officials led by the university's Dean of Students, Mr Danny DeWalt briefed the Chief Justice on the upcoming Women in Leadership Conference, Anti-Human Trafficking training as well as Plea Bargaining training at Iganga and Jinja prisons next month.

The officials informed the Chief Justice that a team of 25, comprising of 17 students, six lawyers and facilitators will be taking part in these activities.

The head of Pepperdine Global Justice Program, Prof Jim Gash, who was part of the visiting officials, said the university will still conduct further trainings in June.

The meeting was attended by Hon. Justice Jotham Tumwesigye of the Supreme Court as well as Judiciary's Advisor on Reforms, Mr Andrew Khaukha.

Posted 23rd, February 2018
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